
In this section I will keep you updated with all of my news and developments:


ShortStoryBlogging said...

For those people who were unable to find my facebook page here is the direct link:


If you 'right click' on it it seems to work.

ShortStoryBlogging said...

Sorry for the delay. The third and final part of 'Five Words' will be with you very shortly.

I would love to hear some feedback if you read it.

Best wishes,

ShortStoryBlogging said...

I am so sorry to anyone who is having trouble posting messages on to the blog. I have tried to change the settings to see if this makes the process easier.

Alternatively please feel free to comment via my Facebook page:http://www.facebook.com/pages/ShortStoryBlogging/259171470872936

You can also email me at: storyblogging@gmail.com

I am very sorry for the inconvenience and will continue to try to resolve the problem.

ShortStoryBlogging said...

I am so pleased to tell you that I finally have the first part of a new story almost finished! It is just being proof read and should be on the blog very soon.

Sorry for the ridiculous wait but my 'day job' has been crazily busy!

I hope that you all find it worth the wait and as ever I am very happy to hear feedback!